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[AUDITORY] Call for papers - Interspeech 2019 @ Graz, Austria - Special session on voice quality characterization

Title: MedUni Wien Signatur EN

Dear colleagues,

we'd like to cordially invite you to submit an up to 4+1 pages paper to our special session entitled "Voice quality characterization for clinical voice assessment: Voice production, acoustics, and auditory perception". This session will be part of this year's Interspeech in Graz, Austria. Paper registration deadline is March 29, 2019.

Please feel free to distribute this call. Thank you very much.

Kind regards,

Philipp Aichinger


Details on the special session:

The assessment of voice quality is relevant to the clinical care of disordered voices. It contributes to the selection and optimization of clinical treatment as well as to the evaluation of the treatment outcome. Levels of description of voice quality include the biomechanics of the vocal folds and their kinematics, temporal and spectral acoustic features, as well as the auditory scoring of hoarseness, hyper- and hypo-functionality, creakiness, diplophonia, harshness, etc. Broad and fuzzy definitions of terms regarding voice quality are in use, which impede scientific and clinical communication.

The aim of the special session is to contribute to the improvement of the clinical assessment of voice quality via a translational approach, which focuses on quantifying and explaining relationships between several levels of description. The goal is to objectify voice quality via (i) the analysis and simulation of vocal fold vibrations by means of high-speed videolaryngoscopy in combination with kinematic or mechanical modelling, (ii) the synthesis of disordered voices joint with auditory experimentation involving disordered voice stimuli, as well as (iii) the statistical analysis and automatic classification of distinct types of voice quality via video and/or audio features.



Univ.-Ass. DI Dr.techn. Philipp Aichinger
Research Associate
PI Austrian Science Fund (FWF): KLI722-B30

Medical University of Vienna
Division of Phoniatrics-Logopedics
Department of Otorhinolaryngology

Währinger Gürtel 18-20, 1090 Vienna, Austria
T: +43 (0)1 40400-11670
M: +43 (0)699 12 29 28 69
