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[AUDITORY] call for abstracts, Acoustics and Perception of Child-Directed Speech



Please consider submitting an abstract to attend the upcoming 171st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Louisville, KY, USA, 13-17 May 2019.  We are organizing two special sessions (below) dedicated to the acoustics of child-directed speech and the perception of child-directed speech, broadly defined.  20-minute lectures are planned for each session, accompanied by a general poster session and a final panel discussion.  The sessions will be held on the same day and a one-day registration is available.


Abstracts submission and meeting details are online: https://acousticalsociety.org/louisville/

Abstract deadline is 17 Dec 2018

Abstracts are limited to 200 words


Session descriptions:

Acoustic Phonetic Properties of Infant-and-Child Directed Speech

Studies of the acoustic properties of the speech signal directed to infants and young children, especially how these properties may vary as a function of characteristics of the speaker and addressee, including but not limited to age, communication abilities, and language experience.


Perception of Speech Directed Toward Infants and Children

Recent research addressing how infants and children respond to and benefit from infant-directed speech and how this is influenced by diverse factors including, age, language experience, testing methods, and specific properties of this speech register.


Please contact the organizers with questions.


Many thanks,

Laura Dilley, Linda Polka, and Mark VanDam

ldilley@xxxxxxx, linda.polka@xxxxxxxxx, mark.vandam@xxxxxxx