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[AUDITORY] Reminder: VoCoGro workshop, deadline for early registration is this Friday

Dear all,

A quick reminder that for the vocal communication workshop – VoCoGro – will take place in Groningen, NL, on 29 October.

Early registration and dinner sign-up deadline is this Friday, 5 October.

Note that we have also applied for credit for Dutch audiologists.

More information at: https://vocogro.nl/2018/

Hoping to see you in Groningen in a few weeks!
The organizing committee

Etienne Gaudrain, PhD

Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon - CNRS UMR 5292
Université Lyon 1
50 av. Tony Garnier
69366 Lyon Cedex 7, FR

UMCG, Afdeling KNO, BB20
PO Box 30.001
9700 RB Groningen, NL