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[AUDITORY] Simulation of an Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) according to UN/ECE Regulation No. 138

Dear list,


for an experiment on the perception of electric vehicles we want to simulate an AVAS operating in conformity with the UN regulation 138 on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles (https://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/trans/main/wp29/wp29regs/2017/R138r1e.pdf).

Does anyone have experience with the simulation of such type of acoustics warning signals and could point us to suitable papers or software, or would be willing to share software or code?







Dr. Daniel Oberfeld-Twistel

Associate Professor

Johannes Gutenberg - Universitaet Mainz

Institute of Psychology

Experimental Psychology

Wallstrasse 3

55122 Mainz



Phone ++49 (0) 6131 39 39274

Fax   ++49 (0) 6131 39 39268

