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Re: [AUDITORY] Who coined the term "head-related transfer function"?

Pierre found me a copy of a 1972 Plenge paper by the right title, here, not JASA:
Plenge, Georg. "On the problem of “in head localization”." Acta Acustica united with Acustica 26.5 (1972): 241-252.

It has lots of head-related ("kopfbezogener"), but not anything that looks like HRTF.

Head-related stereophony was a term already in use since 1971 at least, e.g. in Damaske, P. "Head‐Related Two‐Channel Stereophony with Loudspeaker Reproduction." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 50.4B (1971): 1109-1115.
Or "head-oriented stereophony" as was probably an alternative translation in Plenge's 1972 paper at

The earliest HRTF I can find is 1975:
Yorifuji, Y., M. Morimoto, and Y. Ando. "Effect of training in sound localization in the median plane." The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 57.S1 (1975): S37-S37.
Just an abstract of a poster; the other 1975 Google Scholar hits are false positives: other abstracts on the same page.

If Plenge actually coined the term, it would be good  to find that. 
Pierre, maybe try this one in 1973, which Google says contains kopfbezogener:
Or this 1972 Wilkens paper:


On Fri, Feb 16, 2018 at 10:31 AM, Pierre Divenyi <pdivenyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all auditories,

I thought Jens Blauert would be the best equipped to reply to this question. Here is his answer, in German and in Google-translate-English (=a peculiar English dialect).


Hallo Pierre --
Es war Georg Plenge (erlebt noch in Berlin) in einem JASA paper ca. 1972.
Wurde von Dennis Mc. Fadden reviewed. Ich hatte in meinem Buch "Außenohr-Übertragungsfunktion"
(external-ear transfer function) verwendet, aber HRTF hat sich durchgesetzt, obwohl falsch.
Was heißt denn "related"? Es IST die Übertragungsfunktion des Kopfes bzw. Ohres! 
Das Plenge-Paper müsste
ich mal raussuchen. Die JASA-Bände sind in Bochum.
Es ging dabei um Im-Kopf-Lokalisertheit bei Kunstkopfsignalen -- oder so ähnlich.

-- Gruß, Jens

Hello Pierre -
It was Georg Plenge (still in Berlin) in a JASA paper circa 1972.
Was by Dennis Mc. Fadden reviewed. I had in my book "outer ear transfer function"
(external-ear transfer function) used, but HRTF has prevailed, although wrong.
What does "related" mean? It IS the transfer function of the head or ear!
The plenary paper I would have to raussuchen. The JASA volumes are in Bochum.
It was about in-head Lokalisiertheit artificial head signals - or something like that.
-- Greetings, Jens


On 2/15/18 6:46 AM, Marc Schoenwiesner wrote:
Dear all,

does anyone know who coined the term "head-related transfer function"? The first mention in a paper (as far as I have been able to determine) is by Frederic Wightman and Doris Kistler in 1988, but they write: "...the free-field-to-eardrum transfer function (sometimes called the head-related transfer function, or HRTF)...", which sounds like there must be an earlier source.


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