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[AUDITORY] New joint master's program in Music, Communication and Technology at NTNU/UiO (Norway)

(Apologies for cross-posting)

We are happy to announce our new international, joint Master's programme between NTNU and UiO, the two largest universities in Norway:

*Music, Communication & Technology*


## About the programme

This is a different Master’s programme. Music is at the core, but the scope is larger. You will be educated as a technological humanist or humanistic technologist, with technical, reflective and aesthetic skills. Communication and interaction in our digital age will be at the core of the MCT programme.

The MCT programme is unique in that the student group is physically split between Oslo and Trondheim, 500 kilometres apart. A high-quality, network-based multimedia connection allows for discussions, socialising and music making. As a student you will get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art facilities, including motion capture systems, music production studios, and large loudspeaker arrays. The theoretical components include acoustics, music cognition, machine learning and human-computer interaction. As a student you will take on project work in the private and public sector, combining your technological competence, musical sensibility, humanistic reflection, and a creative sense.

## Application deadlines

- Non-EU/EEA applicants: 1 December ​
- EU applicants: 1 March
- Nordic citizens: 15 April

The study programme starts in August 2018.

## Tuition fees

The MCT programme is free of charge, also for international students.

Best regards,
Andreas Bergsland

Associate professor - førsteamanuensis
Study Programme Leader - studieprogramleder
Music Technology Programme - Musikkteknologiseksjonen
Department of Music - Institutt for musikk
NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
7491 Trondheim

Visiting address/besøksadresse: Fjordgt.1 (3.etg.)
e-mail: andreas.bergsland@xxxxxxx
Web: http://folk.ntnu.no/andbe
Office phone: 7359 0096
Mobile:       4566 3316
fn:Andreas Bergsland
adr:Olavskvartalet;;Institutt for musikk;Trondheim;;7491;Norge
title;quoted-printable:F=C3=B8rsteamanuensis, studieprogramleder
tel;work:+47 7359 0096
tel;cell:+47 4566 3316