Apologies for cross posting – the MRC OverHear network has extended the deadline for registering for the conference in London in October. Details below:
The Medical Research Council and the UCL Ear Institute announce:
Real-world assessment of hearing aids and listening behaviour.
Friday October 6th – Saturday October 7th
UCL Ear Institute and the PAMELA facility, London
Deadline for Registration and Poster Abstracts have both been extended until *15th September 2017*
Register on EventBrite website here:
Submit poster titles to Kim Airey
The MRC OverHear Network* wish to invite the wider community of researchers to discuss how to make hearing interventions work better in the real world, how to build hearing devices that assist
people in new ways and in new situations, and how to improve our built environments to make them compatible with a far larger range of hearing impairments.
To this end we will be holding a two-day conference at the UCL Ear Institute on Friday the 6th of October. The conference will focus broadly on true-to-life measurements of performance
and behaviour in hearing impaired listeners and users of hearing devices.
There will also be an accompanying half day poster session and open-house on the morning of Saturday the 7th of October at the Pedestrian Accessibility and Movement Environment Laboratory
(PAMELA) facility in London. This facility is a unique, highly-configurable multi-sensory
environment in which it is possible to track and monitor a range of behavioural and physiological signals while adjusting multi-channel sound, lighting, and environmental factors (e.g. architecture, surfaces, objects, and rooms). The scope of this facility
is astonishing, in the past it has been used to test new subway doors by bringing an actual subway car into the lab, building a platform, and tracking hundreds of people getting in and out.
We sincerely hope that you will consider attending and taking part in this short meeting. We fully expect a number of collaborations and large grant projects to spin out of the work that is presented
and discussed there, and our best chances for success lie in gathering together the most diverse and informed group of people.
Sincerely, Owen Brimijoin, on behalf of the MRC OverHear Network.
*The MRC OverHear Network was set up with several goals in mind. First was to establish a network of basic scientists, engineers, clinicians, and commercial partners tasked with developing ‘real-world’
assessment of hearing aids. The group has been working on determining the best choice of behavioural and objective measures that could be used to provide evidence of the functionality, use, and efficacy of hearing aids in real-world environments and multi-talker
interactions. The network also focusses on robust investigations into how hearing impaired listeners and hearing-aid users hear, communicate, and interact in complex listening environments, with the view to improving interventions as well as the functionality
and fitting of hearing-aids.
The OverHear steering group consists of Owen Brimijoin (MRC), Nick Tyler (UCL), John Culling (Cardiff), Stefan Bleeck (ISVR), Anne Schilder (UCL), Jen Linden (UCL), and Jonathan Gale (UCL).
Other contributors have included: David McAlpine, Alain de Cheveigne, Stuart Rosen, Mark Plumbley, Mike Brooks, Doris Bamiou, Lauren Hadley, Aneeka Degun, Daniel Dominey, Bill Whitmer, and Guoping
W. Owen Brimijoin
Senior Investigator Scientist
Medical Research Council/Chief Scientist Office Institute of Hearing Research - Scottish Section
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
+44 (0) 141 201 8750