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[AUDITORY] Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events DCASE 2017 - Call for participation

Dear colleagues,

the third edition of the Challenge on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events DCASE 2017 is now officially open. As for previous editions, the scope of this evaluation is to compare different approaches for tasks in computational scene analysis and event detection using publicly available datasets and uniform metrics.

DCASE 2017 Challenge consists of four tasks:

Task 1: Acoustic scene classification
Task 2: Detection of rare sound events
Task 3: Sound event detection in real-life audio
Task 4: Large-scale weakly supervised sound event detection for smart cars

The datasets and baseline systems for Tasks 1-3 have now been published. Task 4 data and tools are still in preparation and will be provided soon.

Challenge schedule:
21 March 2017    Release of development datasets and baseline (partial)
30 June 2017    Release of evaluation datasets
31 July 2017     Submission deadline (system output and technical report)

Challenge results will be published on the challenge website during September 2017 and presented publicly at the DCASE 2017 Workshop. Challenge participants will have the opportunity to present their work in a special session of the DCASE 2017 Workshop that will take place in 16-17 November 2017 in Munich, Germany.

Download links for the datasets and baseline system, as well as detailed information about the challenge and workshop can be found at:

We are looking forward for your participation!

Best regards,
Annamaria Mesaros