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Re: [AUDITORY] Korean Forced Aligner

Another option is SPPAS (http://www.sppas.org/index.html), which ships with language models for around ten languages.  I don't think Korean is among them, but repeating this question on the SPPAS mailing list might turn up someone willing to share theirs.
-- dan

Daniel McCloy
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences
University of Washington

On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 7:37 PM, Tobias Overath <otobias@xxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Auditory List,

The Prosodylab Aligner (http://prosodylab.org/tools/aligner/) and the Penn Phonetics Lab Aligner (https://web.sas.upenn.edu/phonetics-lab/) match an acoustic speech signal to its text transcription. Is anybody aware of a similar implementation for Korean?



Tobias Overath
Assistant Research Professor
Duke Institute for Brain Sciences
Duke University
Durham, NC
