Dear All,
The countdown has started for our hard extended deadline for long/short paper submissions - March 10 is the day!
Looking forward to your contributions,
Conference chairs
Elif Özcan (TU Delft) and Miguel Bruns Alonso (TU Eindhoven)
DeSForM 2017: Sense and Sensitivity
10th Conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement
October 17-18 Delft, October 19-20 Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Submission Deadlines:
- Papers (Full / Short / Demos): March 10, 2017
- Workshops connecting research and practice: April 21, 2017
|| 17 October - Tuesday afternoon
Business cases
TU Delft
|| 18 October - Wednesday
Conference Day 1
TU Delft
|| 19 October - Thursday
Conference Day 2
TU Eindhoven
|| 20 October - Friday
Conference Day 3
Philips Design, High-Tech Campus, Eindhoven
>>> Next Call
DeSForM 2017 will host up to five parallel (half)day workshops on Friday
October 20. The aim for these workshops is to translate theoretical perspectives / tools / methods / materials from (design) research to practice. We are interested in workshops that try to explore novel approaches to interaction and holistic experiences involving
all our senses and sensitivities in everyday contexts. We encourage workshops to explore applications in healthcare domains. Furthermore, we encourage contributors to seek inspiration in the themes of the conference. The workshops will be organized at the
High-Tech Campus Philips Design offices.
A more detailed call for the workshop submissions will be included in
DeSForM second call for papers, expected at the beginning of March 2017. Please keep an eye on for updates.
All work must be submitted electronically (using the InTech
template) via the DeSForM 2017 easychair conference site at: