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[AUDITORY] Call for participation/papers: MMAD - Midwest Music and Audio Day (Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA)

Dear List,


The Midwest Music and Audio Day is a one-day get together of music information and music audio processing researchers, held at Northwestern University just outside of Chicago in Evanston, IL. This will be a chance for research groups from the Midwest to meet and present research in a more relaxed and more affordable setting than is typical at IEEE and ACM-style conferences. Registration is free. Opportunities to present work as posters/talks/demos are available to registered participants. Parking and lunch will be provided free of charge for all presenters and attendees up a maximum of 50 registered attendees. Limited travel assistance funding will be available for long distance presenters in financial need.

When and Where?
Date: Friday, June 23, 2017
Venue: ITW room, Ford Motor Company Engineering Design Center, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Click here for directions

Call For Participation
We invite submissions (talks/posters/demo) across a variety of categories for research related to music and audio. If you want to present your work, please submit an abstract describing your work in the registration page. The abstract should be less than 250 words.

Research area of particular interest include (but are not limited to):
Music information retrieval
Music recommendation
Instrumentation identification
AI for music generation
Interface design for music or audio applications
Music segmentation
Digital musical instrument design
Speech modeling and synthesis
Auditory modeling
Environmental sound recognition
Audio fingerprinting
Lyrics transcription
Voice morphing
Audio source separation
3D audio
Auditory display and sonification
Sound visualization
Speech recognition
Speech generation

Free Registration
If you are planning on coming to MMAD please register.

Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline (i.e. registration deadline if you want to present work) - May 1, 2017
MMAD - June 23, 2017

Hosted by the Northwestern University Interactive Audio Lab
Reach us at interactiveaudiolab [at] gmail [dot] com

More information
