CFP: Materials of Sound for the Journal of Sonic Studies Guest Editor: Caleb Kelly Deadline for Abstracts: 31 March 2017 Deadline for papers: 31 July 2017 Materiality is a constant and contested topic in contemporary art. In recent years the experimental sound arts have shifted away from digital and post-production sound in a turn back to materials. Sound in these practices is not a transparent medium played through hidden speakers, instead it is employed to investigate materials and is itself produced through materials that have various histories, including social/cultural/political, art historical, geological/ecological and electrical. The editor of this special issue of The Journal of Sonic Studies seeks submissions that consider the role of materials within the sounding arts. Topics could include but are not bound by: • Materials-based contemporary art practices that engage sound • Sound practices that explore the materiality of sound as social/cultural/political, energetic, ecological, environmental • Sound as reflected in or through materials • Non-digital approaches to sound practices in the arts • Experimental and/or process driven sounding practices • The role of sound within hacker/maker cultures The Journal of Sonic Studies is a peer-reviewed, online, open access journal providing a platform for theorists and artist-researchers who would like to present relevant work regarding auditory cultures, to further our collective understanding of the impact and importance of sound for our cultures. The editors welcome scholarly as well as artistic research and also expect all contributions to have a firm theoretical grounding. Submission guidelines can be found at Email: caleb.kelly@xxxxxxxxxxx