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[AUDITORY] ACM ICMR Brave New Ideas: also welcoming brave music, speech, and audio research (24 Feb)

(apologies for any cross-postings)
Dear colleagues,
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the ACM ICMR 
deadline for Brave New Ideas has been extended to 24 February. We would 
be happy to see a strong showing of music, speech, and audio submissions.

** ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval **
** June 6-9 2017, Bucharest, Romania **

Call for brave new ideas papers

In this track we invite visionary papers exploring highly innovative 
ideas and/or paradigm shifts in conventional theory and practice of 
multimedia retrieval. Such papers may for example arise from solid 
mono-disciplinary completely new ways of thinking, interdisciplinary 
work bringing totally new perspectives on problems or solutions, involve 
unprecedented scales of data volume, or (strongly encouraged) involve 
combinations of information channels not pursued before. These papers 
may not be “complete” in the “traditional” manner in the sense that it 
may not be possible to have experimental results comparing other related 
efforts or that they may not have large, publicly available data sets to 
be used for performance comparison. However, we expect these papers to 
be visionary by nature.

** Maximum Length of a Paper **
A typical brave new idea paper is around 6 pages, but submissions may be 
up to 8 pages.

** Important Dates ** 
Paper Submission: February 24, 2017 at 23:59 EET
Notification of Acceptance: March 29, 2017
Camera-Ready Papers Due: April 26, 2017

Dr. Cynthia Liem MMus
Assistant Professor

Multimedia Computing Group
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft)
Mekelweg 4, 2628 CD, Delft, The Netherlands
Room 11.300

Telephone: +31 (0)15 27 82188
Website: http://mmc.tudelft.nl/users/cynthia-liem
E-mail: c.c.s.liem@xxxxxxxxxx