Dear all, [Apologies for cross-postings] We are pleased to announce that the 13th International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR 2017) will be held in Porto and Matosinhos, Portugal, on September 25–28 2017. For detailed information please visit the Conference website: CMMR 2017 is organised by the Sound and Music Computing Group at INESC TEC, the Orquestra Jazz de Matosinhos (OJM) and CNRS – Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique. The theme of CMMR 2017 is Music Technology with Swing. The conference includes a scientific programme with oral presentations, posters and demos. It also features a music programme with daily concerts, including one by the Orquestra Jazz de Matosinhos. The confirmed keynote speakers for CMMR 2017 are Peter Vuust (Aarhus University, Denmark), Margaret Schedel (Stony Brook University, USA), Carlos Guedes (New York University Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) and Amílcar Cardoso (University of Coimbra, Portugal). We invite submissions for papers, music, and demos aligned with the conference theme, with the following important dates: 2nd April, 2017 - Paper / Music / Demo submission deadline 9th June, 2017 - Notification of acceptance 2nd July, 2017 - Camera-ready deadline 9th July, 2017 - Author registration deadline The full list of topics and further instructions about preparation of submissions can be found here: All submissions in both the scientific and music tracks will be subject to peer review. Submitted papers must conform to the CMMR 2017 templates which are available on the conference website. All accepted papers will be hosted online and selected papers will appear in post symposium proceedings which are published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series. We will also have musical proceedings with 360° audiovisual recordings of the concerts. If you have any questions about CMMR 2017, please contact the Committee at: cmmr2017@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx We greatly look forward to receiving your submissions, and welcoming you to Porto and Matosinhos in September! Best wishes, Matthew Davies & Rui Penha Symposium Chairs |