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Funded Ph.D. training in hearing
The Audiology & Auditory Evoked Potentials Laboratory at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York has an opening for a Ph.D. student interested pursuing a degree in the Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Science. Successful applicants will have a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Neuroscience, Engineering, Communication Disorders or a related field. Experience with Matlab, Python, or C++, statistical analysis, and auditory evoked potential recording and analysis will be viewed favorably, but are not required.
The laboratory is equipped with Neuroscan and Brain Vision evoked potentials systems and related software packages for the analysis of behavioral and neurophysiologic data, including Matlab, EEGLab, Neuroscan software, Sigmaplot, Statistica, etc. In addition, the laboratory contains equipment and software for the recording, editing, and analysis of speech and for the evaluation of hearing and middle ear function and for hearing aid fitting and analysis.
The Program is one of the largest doctoral programs nationwide in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences and is part of a unique consortium of faculty and resources including the senior colleges and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Since its inception in 1965, it has achieved a reputation for excellence in doctoral education and has graduated many individuals who have assumed positions of leadership in a variety of settings and who have contributed significantly to the advancement of knowledge in the processes and disorders of human communication. The Graduate Center is located in the heart of Manhattan and is devoted exclusively to graduate education.
Doctoral students are offered a variety of fellowships. For more information about the program and the application process, please see http://www.gc.cuny.edu/Page-Elements/Academics-Research-Centers-Initiatives/Doctoral-Programs/Speech-Language-Hearing-Sciences
For additional details contact: Dr. Brett Martin, Ph.D. (bmartin@xxxxxxxxxxx). The application deadline for the Fall, 2017 is January 1, 2017.