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ASA Travel Award Opportunity for Spring 2017 Meeting

Dear Auditory List,

In Salt Lake City last spring, a special technical initiative was developed to encourage translational research by students and post-docs at the Acoustical Society of America (ASA). We successfully held a special session titled  “Acoustics Outreach to Budding Scientists: Planting Seeds for Future Clinical and Physiological Collaborations,” where 6 students and post-docs were invited to give podium presentations. The session was well received and we were given approval to form another special session at the Spring meeting in Boston. 

Please forward this travel award opportunity to students and post-docs who may be interested in presenting under-represented topics (i.e. clinical and physiological) at ASA. Priority will be given to applicants who have not previously attended an ASA meeting. 

Applications are due Monday, December 5th. See attachment for details. 


Attachment: ASA173_PP_TravelAward.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Anna C. Diedesch, Au.D., Ph.D., CCC-A
Postdoctoral Researcher
Oregon Health & Science University
Oregon Hearing Research Center
National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research