Greetings! Back in January of 2015 I went live with my website,, which is dedicated to providing a collection of resources for individuals interested in upmixing older mono musical source material to stereo through the use of audio spectral editing, sound source separation, and related processes. The website has now been visited by individuals in 110 countries! Of particular interest to researchers are the over 1030 links to research papers, presentations, etc. in the field, which are listed on the RESEARCH pages of the website. There are now almost 30 examples linked to on the MEDIA pages of the website! I recently added a search function to assist in searching the website’s content. Be sure to check out the companion Facebook page where I post information about updates to the website as well as related content. Don’t forget to “Like” the Facebook page to follow us! As always, your comments, questions, and suggestions are always appreciated and most welcome! If you are aware of any research papers, presentations, etc. that should be added, please don’t hesitate to contact me with the links! It is my sincere hope that you find the website interesting, informative, and thought provoking! Best regards, |