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Save the date for CIAP, July 16-21, 2017

Dear Auditory List,

We are pleased to announce the dates for the next Conference on Implantable Auditory Prostheses (CIAP) meeting, from July 16-21, 2017.  Please feel free to distribute this notice widely – to others who may not receive this e-mail and those who may be interested in CIAP.   Sorry for multiple e-mails to some people.
The website will be updated with new information periodically when it is available – bookmark www.ciaphome.org and check it frequently.  
We look forward to another fun and exciting meeting at beautiful Lake Tahoe.  See you there!
All the best from the conference organizers,

Julie Arenberg Bierer and David McAlpine (Conference Chair and co-chair)
and Bob Shannon (Conference Administrative Chair)

Attachment: CIAP 2017 Notice.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document