PhD Fellowship Opportunity in Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of Hong Kong
The Speech Research Lab in the Division of Speech and Hearing Sciences at the University of Hong Kong seeks a highly motivated candidate for a doctoral fellowship. The applicant should have outstanding academic performance, strong ability/potential in conducting research, excellent oral and written English proficiency, and good communication and interpersonal skills. Possible areas of research include speech acquisition in individuals with and without communication disorders, first and second language speech perception and production, and training methods for speech acquisition. The fellowship is open to candidates with any nationality and country of origin. Applicants with various backgrounds such as speech and hearing sciences, psychology, cognitive psychology, statistics, linguistics and computational modeling are encouraged to apply.
Applicants are required to submit a four-page proposal summary and detailed research proposal (about 20 pages) on or before December 1st, 2016. Participants who are interested should send C.V., academic transcripts, statement of purpose and research proposal to Dr. Puisan Wong at puisanwong@xxxxxx.
Information about the application procedures can be found at:
Information about the fellowships can be found at:
Information about the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme can be found at: