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OAE workshop

All of those interested in the use of OAEs as a measure of auditory function in humans, or who just want to talk about the Yankees, are invited to join us on Friday, September 23rd for GORGAPLOOZA: Presentations in Honor of Michael Gorga’s Career.  Presenters during this one-day workshop include Chris Shera, Carolina Abdala, Jon Siegel, Sumit Dhar, Beth Prieve, Tiffany Johnson, James Lewis, Stephen Neely, Daniel Rasetshwane, Douglas Keefe and Michael Gorga.  There is no registration fee, but all attendees must pre-register by September 16, 2016.  To register for the workshop or obtain more information, please contact Nancy Johnson (nancy.johnson@xxxxxxxxxxxx, 402 498-6741.



Walt Jesteadt, PhD

Director of Research

Boys Town National Research Hospital

Omaha, NE 68131

Pn:  402-498-6704

walt.jesteadt @ boystown.org