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Listening Into 2030 - NSF Junior Researcher Travel Grant - Call for Applications

Call for Applications
NSF Junior Researcher Travel Grant for "Listening Into 2030" workshop
(For US-based Students and Postdocs ONLY)
The Listening into 2030 workshop is pleased to announce competitive travel grants to participate in the workshop (www.listeninginto2030.org). The workshop will be held in Berkeley, CA on Sept 13 and 14, 2016. The primary objective of the workshop is to set the foundations for a long-term research network that will help shape advances in fields related to speech and hearing. It will do this by envisioning the research pathways in the perceptual and cognitive sciences with the greatest promise for advancing solutions to problems in speech communication between humans and with machines. The junior investigators will share the responsibility with the organizers of writing the outcome document describing the workshop. This will probably be in the form of an ebook/website and/or a published proceedings report.
Travel funds provided by the US National Science Foundation (www.nsf.gov) are available only to full time students and postdocs attending US colleges and universities. Underrepresented minority and women students from diverse US institutions are particularly encouraged to apply. To be eligible, US based students (referred to as “you”) must apply no later than Friday, July 1, 2016 viawww.listeninginto2030.org.

The workshop is limited to forty participants, out of which up to eight slots funded by the NSF are targeted at student and postdoc researchers. The workshop will cover transportation to Berkeley (airfare, train, bus), room at the workshop hotel, and all meals that are part of the workshop program. The workshop will not cover taxi and meals that are separate from the workshop program. 

Submit the following to apply:
1.      Obtain a letter from your advisor/professor confirming that:
a.       You are currently a research student or postdoc in good standing and working in areas related to speech and hearing.
b.       Any part of your travel that is not paid by the workshop will be covered by other means (indicate how).
2.      Write a personal statement describing your research interests, and how you wish to benefit from attending "Listening Into 2030". Indicate your training status (full time or part time, BS/MS/PhD or postdoc), and location you will be traveling from.
3.      Upload the above documents, along with a two-page curriculum vita via www.listeninginto2030.org.
For any questions, please contact the "Listening Into 2030" organizers via the "Contact Us" form on www.listeninginto2030.org.
Important Dates: