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Re: 3D printing file for Zwislocki coupler?

Dear list,

In response to my earlier email for 3D files for Zwislocki coupler and/or pinnae I have received many requests but no actual model.

It's a solvable problem and we'll figure it out, I just didn't want to duplicate efforts. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to join in and collaborate with us. It is likely that there are idiosyncratic differences between 3D printers and materials. Some may be more prone to printing leaky couplers, for instance, so having a community effort could be a productive approach in this instance...


On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 10:40 AM, Ihlefeld, Antje <antje.ihlefeld@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
We would like to print our own Zwislocki coupler to calibrate our over-the-headphones. Does anybody have 3D files they are willing to share for a dB-100-Zwislocki/Zwislocki coupler that they are willing to share?
A pinna file would also be helpful.


Antje Ihlefeld, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Fenster Hall, Room 645 
323 Martin Luther King Blvd
Newark, NJ 07102
973 596 5381 (office)