Important Notes and Updates:
1) Tutorial proposal deadline is this week (2/19)
2) Conference paper deadline is a month earlier than last year (3/18)
3) Industry partnerships are now available
4) International Digital Libraries for Musicology workshop (DLfM 2016) has been added as a satellite event
Call for Participation
17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR16)
7-11 August, 2016, New York, NY, USA
Conference and Related Events:
ThinkTank at NYU: Thursday, Aug. 4 to Friday, Aug. 5,
HAMR Hackathon at NYU: Friday, Aug 5 to Saturday, Aug. 6
Tutorials at Columbia University: Sunday, Aug 7
Main Scientific Program at NYU: Monday, Aug. 8 to Thursday, Aug. 11
Unconference/Late-Breaking/Demos: Thursday, Aug 11
CogMIR satellite event at Columbia University: Friday, Aug 12
Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM) workshop at NYU: Friday, Aug 12
Accepting submissions for:
Conference Papers; Tutorials; Late-breaking Papers & Demos
Important Dates:
February 19: Tutorial Proposals Due
March 18: Paper submissions due (papers can be revised until March 25)
March 25: Notification of Tutorial Acceptance
May 13: Notification of Paper Acceptance
June 3: Early Registration Ends
July 29: Late Registration Ends
The annual conference of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) is the world's leading research forum on processing, analyzing, searching, organizing and accessing music-related data. Music becomes music after being processed by the human mind and each person perceives the music in a different and complex way. Therefore, this conference embraces the complexity and diversity of music by showcasing ideas and applications that aim to enhance the way in which we interact with music.
Music-IR is a truly interdisciplinary area, involving researchers, developers, educators, librarians, students and professionals from the disciplines of musicology, cognitive science, library and information science, computer science, electrical engineering and many others. Therefore, like previous ISMIR editions, ISMIR 2016 will provide a venue for the exchange of ideas, issues, results and perspectives among the different profiles of people working with music and computing in a broad sense. ISMIR 2016 will cover the entire area of Music-IR, providing ample room for diversity and new developments.
Topics of Interest
MIR Data and Fundamentals (music signal processing; symbolic music processing;
metadata, linked data and semantic web; social tags and user generated data; natural language processing, text and web mining; multimodal approaches to MIR)
Methodology (methodological issues and philosophical foundations; evaluation
methodology; corpus creation; legal, social and ethical issues)
Domain Knowledge (representation of musical knowledge/meaning; music perception
and cognition; computational music theory; computational musicology/ethnomusicology)
Musical Features and Properties (melody and motives; harmony, chords and tonality;
rhythm, beat, tempo; structure, segmentation and form; timbre, instrumentation and
voice; musical style and genre; musical affect, emotion and mood; _expression_ and
performative aspects of music)
Music Processing (sound source separation; music transcription and annotation; optical
music recognition; alignment, synchronization and score following; music
summarization; music synthesis/transformation; fingerprinting; automatic classification; indexing and querying; pattern matching/detection; similarity metrics)
Application (user behavior and modeling; user interfaces and interaction; digital libraries
and archives; music retrieval systems; music recommendation and playlist generation; music and health, wellbeing and therapy; music training and education; MIR applications in music composition, performance and production; music and gaming; MIR in business and marketing)
Scientific Program Notes
All papers will go through a double-blind selection process with at least three reviewers per submission. Accepted papers will be designated by the Program Committee to be presented either as posters or as lectures. All accepted papers have the same status, assignment as poster or lecture is not indicative of the relevance or potential impact but on the type of content and way to better reach the intended audience. Papers will be no more than 6-pages long not including citations.
Call for Industry Partners
Finding a fitting home in the thriving tech scene of New York, it is a particular goal of ISMIR 2016 to forge and foster lasting relationships between the research community and industry. To these ends, ISMIR 2016 provides the opportunity for our friends in industry to contribute to the conference beyond the scientific program via sponsorship. In addition to getting to know a growing collective of passionate scientists and scholars, industry partners will receive a number of benefits based on their level of involvement. Specific contributions are also more than welcome, such as student support, paper awards, event hosting, or social activities.
Organizing Committee
General Chairs: Juan P. Bello (NYU) and Dan Ellis (Columbia U./Google)
Program Chairs: Johanna Devaney (Ohio State), Doug Turnbull (Ithaca College),
George Tzanetakis (U. of Victoria)
Tutorials: Fabien Gouyon (Pandora)
Local Organization: Rachel Bittner (NYU), Dawen Liang (Columbia U.),
Brian McFee (NYU), Justin Salamon (NYU)
Industry Partnerships: Eric Humphrey (MuseAmi)
Women in MIR: Amélie Anglade (Freelance MIR and Data Science Consultant)
Education Initiatives: S. Alex Ruthmann (NYU)
HAMR/Unconference: Colin Raffel (Columbia U.)
Advisory Board: Michael Casey (Dartmouth College), Ichiro Fujinaga (McGill U.),
Youngmoo Kim (Drexel U.), Carol Krumhansl (Cornell U.),
Paul Lamere (Spotify), Agnieszka Roginska (NYU)
Contact information
General Conference Inquires: ismir2016@xxxxxxxxx
Program Inquires: ismir2016-papers@xxxxxxxxx
Tutorial Inquires: ismir2016-tutorials@xxxxxxxxx
Industry Partnership Inquires: ismir2016-industry@xxxxxxxxx