A post-doc position is available immediately within the Bizley lab. The successful candidate will use behavioural, neurophysiological and optogenetic methods to investigate how selective attention shapes perception and auditory cortical processing.
Candidates should have a PhD or equivalent in auditory neuroscience. Strong candidates will have systems neuroscience experience recording and analysing neurophysiological data from behaving animals.
For more information and informal enquires please contact me directly (j.bizley@xxxxxxxxx). To apply formally please visit UCL's recruitment website: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/AMR890/research-associate/.
Closing date: Jan 22nd. Funding is available immediately.
Dr Jennifer Bizley j.bizley@xxxxxxxxx
Sir Henry Dale Research Fellow & Reader in Auditory Neuroscience
UCL Ear Institute
332 Gray’s Inn Road 0207 679 8934
London, WC1X 8EE 07779 148804
www.dBSPL.co.uk www.bizley.co.uk