JSS Call for Papers: Soundscapes of South-East Asia Music, radio, and TV
broadcasts; blaring loudspeakers, public announcements, and street conversations;
city sounds, sounds of progress, sounds of revolution, or sounds of change;
sounds deliberately produced or emerging unintentionally, serving a
disciplinary function or expressing forms of freedom; musical as well as
non-musical (functional) sounds.
South-East Asia is filled
with sounds; indeed, some people would say that it is a noisy part of the world.
However, is it possible to identify a specific South-East Asian soundscape? And
if so, where are the roots to be found, and how did these sounds achieve their
current form?
The Journal of Sonic Studies is searching for scholarly and artistic
contributions that deal with the relation between South-East Asian history,
culture, society, and politics and the production, distribution, and reception
of sounds, noises, and silence. The broader aim of this special issue is to
establish “sound” as an analytical category that provides us with challenging perspectives
on and a new understanding of South-East Asia. Therefore it does not focus on
any particular historical period or research methodology, but seeks to bring
scholars and artist-researchers together who share an interest in South-East
Asian soundscapes.
Themes for submission may include but are not limited to: - The sonic identity of any South-East Asian space - Differences between Western and South-East Asian soundscapes - South-East Asian (contemporary) sound art - The role, position, and function of music in contemporary
South-East Asian societies - Sonic histories of South-East Asia - Listening cultures of South-East Asia - Politics of sounds or the sounds of politics in South-East Asia - The role of silence in South-East Asian societies and/or
discourses - The role of sounds in South-East Asian religions - Rural “versus” urban soundscapes
Deadline Potential
contributors are invited to submit completed essays by January 6, 2016. For
more information, or to submit an essay, please contact noise@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |