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doctoral training: specialist course "EXPRESSIVE INTERACTION WITH MUSIC, HUMANS, AND MACHINES" @ IPEM (Ghent University)

Title: Microsoft Word - __IPEM proposal Specialist course - Musical _expression_.pdf

@ IPEM, Ghent University, Belgium

This specialist course focuses on the empirical study of expressive interaction, embedded in the theory of embodied cognition.

It starts with an introductory lecture by Prof. Dr. Leman on the topic of expressive interaction with music, and how it extends to other domains (human-human interaction, human-machine interaction). This lecture will introduce the basic concepts in the research paradigm of interaction, such as sensorimotor control, entrainment, predictive processing, and reward mechanisms.

Next, three seminars are organized. Each seminar has its own theme and involves a reading & discussion group session, 2 lectures by invited speakers and presentations by max. 2 PhD students who's work fits the theme of the seminar.

Dates,themes and speakers:

8 October: introductory lecture
    _17h00-19h00: Prof. Dr. Marc Leman

9 October: Health & Well-Being
    _10h30-12h30: reading and discussion group for PhD students
    _14h00-18h00: lectures: Dr. Rebecca Schaefer & Prof. Dr. Costas Karageorghis
This seminar will focus on physical, mental, and social well-being and health. The goal is to give a perspective of how expressive interaction can be empowering in this domain, for example as therapeutic intervention, as everyday activity, as physical exercise, and so on.
23 October: Modelling musical _expression_
    _10h30-12h30: reading and discussion group for PhD students
    _14h00-18h00: lectures: Dr. Frank Desmet & Dr. Denis Amelynck
Expressive interaction is characterized by gestural and musical patterns of dynamical change and variability. This seminar will present methods within the field of dynamical structure analysis to analyze and model change and variability in _expression_.
13 November: Social Interaction
    _10h30-12h30: reading and discussion group for PhD students
    _14h00-18h00: lectures: Dr. Nikki Moran & Dr. Donald Glowinski
This seminar focuses on _expression_ from the perspective of the coordination dynamics of human interaction during active mutual engagement in multi-person communication and understanding.

Organizing committee: Dr. Luc Nijs & Prof. Dr. Marc Leman
Scientific committee: Prof. Dr. Dirk De Clerq (Sport & Movement Sciences, Ghent University), Prof. Dr. Marc Brysbaert (Experimental Psychology, Ghent University), Prof. Dr. Patrick De Baets (Engineering, Ghent University), Prof. Dr. Marc Reybrouck (Musicology, KU Leuven), Prof. Dr. Bruno Forment (SKAR, Vrije Universiteit Brussel)

More information: http://www.ugent.be/doctoralschools/en/doctoraltraining/courses/specialistcourses/ahl/interaction-with-music-humans-and-machines
& more detailed at: http://www.ipem.ugent.be/thinktanks

To enroll (for PhD Students): send an e-mail to Luc Nijs (Luc.Nijs@xxxxxxxx), mentioning the course title, your name, first name and student number.
Non PhD students who wish to attend the course or the lectures: please send an email to Luc Nijs (Luc.Nijs@xxxxxxxx)

Location: IPEM, Technikum Blok 2, Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, 9000 Ghent - link to googlemaps: https://goo.gl/usKnpo