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The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Bioacoustics: Call for Abstracts

The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Bioacoustics
12--13 December 2015, Fukuoka, Japan

Meeting Announcement and Call for Abstracts

You are cordially invited to the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for 
Bioacoustics, which will be held in Ohashi Campus, Kyushu University 
(4-9-1 Shiobaru, Minami-ku, Fukuoka 815-8540, Japan) from Saturday 
through Sunday, 12--13 December 2015.  

Most of the contributed papers will be presented as posters.  Oral 
presentations are given by invited senior researchers and a couple of 
selected junior researchers.  Presentation awards are granted to 
excellent presentations given by students or researchers who got their 
degrees within three years.  The banquet will be held on Saturday, 12 
December 2015 at a Japanese restaurant near the conference venue 
(pre-registration is necessary for reserving your seat).

Please refer to the PDF pamphlet which could be downloaded from the 
Webpage of the Society <http://bacoust.org/?page_id=227&lang=en> for 
more detailed information about the Meeting, including 
transportations, travel directions, accommodations, and the size of a 
poster board.  You could also download the abstract template from that 

We are looking forward to seeing you in Fukuoka!!

1. Key dates.

	[15 September 2015] Pre-registration deadline for corresponding 
	authors and abstract deadline for oral presentations.  All the 
	authors who would like to present a paper at the Meeting, either 
	as a poster or a lecture, have to submit a title, author(s), and 
	affiliation(s) by this date.  Submitting an abstract at this 
	point is mandatory for the author(s) who would like to apply for 
	the oral presentation slots.
	[30 September 2015] Notification of acceptance of contributed 
	oral papers by e-mail.

	[15 October 2015] Abstract deadline for poster presentations.  
	Pre-registration for all participants will be closed and the 
	program will be announced.
	[27 November 2015] The attendees who are living in Japan should 
	transfer their total amount of expenses before the date.  If you 
	come from abroad, you could pay the registration fee and the 
	banquet expense on site in Japanese yen (cash only).

2. Joining the Society.

You have to be a member of the Society for Bioacoustics, in order to 
present a paper at the Annual Meeting.  If you have not yet joined the 
Society, please contact the Secretariat through the Web page of the 
Society <http://bacoust.org/?page_id= 13&lang=en> at your earliest 
convenience (by the end of August 2015 at the latest).

3. Abstract submission.

Submission of an one-page abstract is required for all corresponding 
authors.  A Microsoft Word template for an abstract is provided at the 
Webpage of the Society.  

4. Contacting address.

Please send an e-mail message to the Secretariat of the Organizing 
Committee of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Bioacoustics 
<bainfo [at] bacoust.org>.

5. The Organizing Committee and Programing Committee.

The Organizing Committee consists of Kazuo UEDA (Chair), Wen-Jie SONG 
(Accountant), Chihiro HIRAMATSU, and Yumiko WATANABE (Secretariat).  
The Programing Committee consists of Ikuo MATSUO (Chair), Hiroshi 

Cosponsored by the Society for Bioacoustics, the Organizing Committee 
of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Bioacoustics, Faculty of 
Design, Kyushu University, Research Center for Applied Perceptual 
Science, Kyushu University, Physiological Anthropology Research 
Center, Kyushu University, the Kyushu Chapter of the Acoustical 
Society of Japan, and the Research Committee of Bioacoustics, the 
Acoustical Society of Japan.

Kazuo UEDA, Ph.D.
Visiting Associate Professor
School of Audiology and Speech Sciences
The University of British Columbia 
c/o Valter Ciocca
2177 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3, Canada
Phone +1 604 827 5579
Fax +1 604 822 6569
Associate Professor
Dept. Human Science, Unit of Perceptual Psychology/
Research Center for Applied Perceptual Science
Kyushu University, 4-9-1 Shiobaru Minami-ku
Fukuoka 815-8540, Japan
e-mail  ueda@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx