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Reminder: CfP- The First International Workshop on Modeling INTERPERsonal SynchrONy - INTERPERSONAL@ICMI2015


CFP - Apologies for multiple copies



The First International Workshop on Modeling INTERPERsonal SynchrONy -




@the17th International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI 2015)








Understanding human behavior through computer vision and signal

processing has become of major interest with the emergence of social

signal processing and affective computing and their applications to

human-computer interaction. With few exceptions, research has focused on

detection of individual persons, their nonverbal behavior in the context

of emotion and related psychosocial constructs. With advances in

methodology, there is increasing interest in advancing beyond the

individual to social interaction of multiple individuals. This level of

analysis brings to the fore detection and understanding of interpersonal

influence and interpersonal synchrony in social interaction.


Interpersonal synchrony in social interaction between interactive

partners is the dynamic and reciprocal adaptation of their verbal and

nonverbal behaviors. It affords both a novel domain for computer vision

and machine learning, as well as a novel context with which to examine

individual variation in cognitive, physiological, and neural processes

in the interacting members. Interdisciplinary approaches to

interpersonal synchrony are encouraged. Investigating these complex

phenomena has both theoretical and practical applications.


The proposed workshop will explore the challenges of modeling,

recognition, and synthesis of influence and interpersonal synchrony. It

will address theory, computational models, and algorithms for the

automatic analysis and synthesis of influence and interpersonal

synchrony. We wish to explore both influence and interpersonal synchrony

in human-human and human-machine interaction in dyadic and multi-person

scenarios. Expected topics include definition of different categories of

interpersonal synchrony and influence, multimodal corpora annotation of

interpersonal influence, dynamics of relevant behavioral patterns, and

synthesis and recognition of verbal and nonverbal patterns of

interpersonal synchrony and influence. The INTERPERSONAL workshop will

afford opportunity for discussing new applications such as clinical

assessment, consumer behavior analysis, and design of socially aware



The INTERPERSONAL workshop will identify and promote research challenges

relevant to this exciting topic of synchrony.





We encourage papers and demos addressing, but not limited to, the

following research topics:


- Theoretical approaches to interpersonal synchrony in human/human and

human/machine interaction

- Analysis and detection of non-verbal patterns of interpersonal


- Models taking into account the relationship between influence and


- Analysis and detection of physiological signals

- Modeling interpersonal synchrony in dyadic and in multi-party social


- Psychological correlates of interpersonal synchrony/influence

- Analysis and detection of functional roles, persuasion, trust,

dominance and so on

- Recording and annotation of corpora that vary in degree of

experimental control

- Qualitative and quantitative evaluation

- Design of social agents and dialog systems.






Long paper:  8 pages maximum in the two-column ACM format as the main

conference. Accepted long papers will be presented as long talk or a


Short paper: 4 pages maximum in the two-column ACM format as the main

conference. Accepted short papers will be presented as either a short

talk or a poster.


Submissions should include: title, author(s), affiliation(s), e-mail

address(es), tel/fax number(s), and postal address(es).


The papers have to be submitted at the following link:






All the contributions will be subject to a peer-review by at least three

reviewers from the Program Committee.


INTERPERSONAL review is double blind, that is the authors do not know

the name of the reviewers and the reviewers do not know the names of the

authors. As a consequence, each submission should be anonymised: please,

remove the authors names and all the information that could identify the







July 20th, 2015: Submission deadline


August 4th, 2015: Notification of acceptance


August 17th, 2015: Camera ready version due to electronic form


November 13th, 2015: 2015 INTERPERSONAL@ICMI2015 Workshop







Mohamed Chetouani,

Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics,

University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France

(mohamed.chetouani at upmc.fr)


Giovanna Varni,

Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics,

University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France

(varni at isir.upmc.fr)


Hanan Salam,

Institute for Intelligent Systems and Robotics,

University Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, France

(salam at isir.umpc.fr)


Zakia Hammal

Robotic Institute

Carnegie Mellon University

(zakia_hammal at yahoo.fr)


Jeffrey F. Cohn

University of Pittsburgh

Robotic Institute

Carnegie Mellon Univeersity

(jeffcohn at cs.cmu.edu)






This workshop is partially supported by the Laboratory of Excellence

SMART (http://www.smart-labex.fr)