Two!Ears Summer School on Active Machine Hearing, September 21-25 2015, Toulouse
On behalf of the Two!Ears'2015 organizing committee, it is my pleasure to announce that the Registration is open for the:
September 21-25, 2015 - LAAS-CNRS (Europe Room), Toulouse, France. We would appreciate if you could please help us by promoting this event - and will be happy if many of you may participate! The aim of this Summer School is to provide a comprehensive training in active machine hearing. A review of sound perception and analysis as well as advanced topics related to auditory scene analysis and robot audition will be presented. The training will end with a challenge: the delegates will be put into teams, each of which be provided a simplified robotic platform endowed with a binaural sensor; the aim will be to integrate the many functions studied during the 3.5 days of the training so as to enable this robotic platform to analyze dynamic auditory scenes in a small-scale environment.
An RSS feed is also available so as to keep up to date. And please consider following us on Twitter: Two!Ears (12.2013—11.2016) has been funded by the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement nº618075, see With best regards, Alexander Raake |