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Re: How good is inter-aural frequency or pitch matching in normal humans?

Dear Jan, Leon, and Andrew,

G. van den Brink wrote several articles on binaural diplacusis. He cites many of his earlier studies in this JASA paper:
van den Brink, G. (1971). Two Experiments on Pitch Perception. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 49(1A), 74-75, doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1121/1.1975957.

Good luck,

On 6/30/15 12:08 AM, Leon van Noorden wrote:
Dear Jan,

perhaps this helps:

Leon van Noorden

On 29 Jun 2015, at 15:44, Jan Schnupp <jan.schnupp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Dear List,

I have had a conversation with a musically keen retired physicist who assured me that when he holds up a tuning fork to one ear he hears the pitch of the tuning fork about a semitone lower than at the other ear. I had to say that I found that surprising. We always assume that there has to be a good alignment of frequency channels going into the binaural centers of the brainstem for example, and much effort is invested in trying to improve "inter-aural pitch matching" for cochlear implant patients. But I have to admit I know of no formal studies that have actually measured how good inter-aural pitch matching would be for normally hearing subjects, and whether a difference of a semitone (after all, only a few % in absolute terms) is absurdly large or within the expected human variability. Would any of you know of any papers that have looked at this?



Prof Jan Schnupp
University of Oxford
Dept. of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics
Sherrington Building - Parks Road
Oxford OX1 3PT - UK