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Roy Patterson will receive the ASA Silver Medal in Jacksonville in November

Dear all,

I am very honoured to announce that Roy Patterson will be awarded the Silver Medal of the Acoustical Society of America for his tremendous contribution to the field. He will receive the award at the coming meeting in Jacksonville, Florida, 2-6 November 2015 (http://acousticalsociety.org/content/fall-2015-meeting).

As a result, a number of PnP people will try to go to this Fall meeting, and I can only encourage you all to join to celebrate with Roy! The deadline for abstract submission is the 22nd of June, i.e. *this Monday*.

Hoping to see you in Jacksonville.

Etienne Gaudrain, PhD

UMCG, Afdeling KNO, BB20
PO Box 30.001
9700 RB Groningen, NL

Room P3.236
Phone +31 5036 13290
Skype egaudrain

Centre de Recherche en Neurosciences de Lyon - CNRS UMR 5292
Université Lyon 1
50 av. Tony Garnier
69366 Lyon Cedex 7, FR

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