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The Second International Meeting on Internet & Audiology, Snekkersten, Denmark, 24-25 September 2015

The Second International Meeting on Internet & Audiology

Eriksholm Research Centre, Snekkersten, Denmark, 24-25 September 2015

Given the success of the First International Meeting on Internet & Audiology which took place in 2014, the Second International Meeting on Internet & Audiology will be held at the Eriksholm Research Centre, Snekkersten, Denmark (www.eriksholm.com) on 24-25 September 2015. The meeting will bring researchers, clinicians, and other stakeholders together.

We invite participants to submit abstracts for short oral presentations and posters. We invite abstracts on the broad topic of Internet & Audiology: this includes research on hearing impairment, tinnitus, balance disorders, hearing assessment, hearing rehabilitation, hearing aids, cochlear implants, etc. The meeting will present new and innovative research as well as hands-on sessions. Meeting registration is free of charge. However, the number of participants is limited to 80 and preference will be given to those with an accepted abstract.

Deadline for abstract submission is 1 June 2015. For further information, see: www.internetaudiology.com

We look forward to seeing you at the Eriksholm Research Centre on 24-25 September 2015!

On behalf of:

Thomas Lunner, professor and chair of the meeting

Gerhard Andersson, professor and co-chair of the meeting

Organizing committee:

Ariane Laplante-Lévesque, PhD

Elisabet Sundewall Thorén, PhD

Jette M. W. Nissen, coordinator

Elisabeth Ingo, MSc

Peter Molander, MSc

George Vlaescu, webmaster

Ariane Laplante-Lévesque

Project Manager / Research Audiologist

Eriksholm Research Centre
Rørtangvej 20
3070 Snekkersten
Direct:     +45 4829 8924
Website: www.eriksholm.com


Eriksholm pursues audiological
discoveries with the potential to
significantly enhance end-user
benefits in future hearing care.
We work in close collaboration
with academic research institutions,
clinicians and end-users, and being
part of Oticon ensures that our scien-
tific insights are applied in solutions
that empower people with hearing loss.

Associate Professor (adj.)

Department of Behavioral Sciences and Learning
Linköping University
581 83 Linköping
