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Dear Colleague,
In the context of the European projects Proto-touch & CONTEST, we organise a unique research school on bio-inspired sensing targeting haptics, audio, vision and multisensory integration in humans and for robots. Approximately half of the talks are dedicated to human physiology and half to robotics applications, so that the participants can build their own synthesis. We have decided to open up this school to external participants as described below:
Summer school
Human sensing and applications to robotics and haptic displays
Dates: May 18-22, 2015
Venue: Université Lille 1, Lille, France
Contact: biosensing-school [at] imperial [dot] ac [dot] uk
We invite application for summer school on bioinspired sensing and its applications. This school will enable interested early or confirmed students and researchers to learn from all modalities of biological sensing, how they can be applied to robotics and haptics. The topics of the schools are:
- tactile perception and illusions
- tactile displays
- biomechanics of touch
- functional neuroimaging for studying sensing
- machine learning methods for tactile data
- audition in humans and robots
- vision and sense of motion in biological systems and robots
- multimodal sensory integration in humans and robots
- robotic hands and applications
All registered students will have an opportunity to present their research during a dedicated poster session. The preliminary programme is available at:
flyer: https://workspace.imperial.ac.uk/humanrobotics/Public/Flyer.pdf
Please send your application to biosensing-school[at]imperial[dot]ac[dot]uk, with a short CV and a paragraph to indicate your motivation for attending this school. Please use as subject for your e-mail application: "SensingSchool: <Your Name>".
The registration fee is 285 euros (350 euros after 20.04.2015), which include access to all talks (sponsored by Proto-Touch&CONTEST), coffee-breaks, every-day lunches, welcome party, gala dinner and social programme. Information on affordable accommodations will be available on the website. Registration deadline: 30.4.2015.
Registration to the school will be available soon at
For more explanation please contact