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Auditory - basal ganglia connections: summary

Dear List,

Thank you to those who responded to my Jan 7, 2015 query regarding the neuroanatomy of connections between auditory cortex and basal ganglia.  Below please find a list of references collected from several people, including Jessica Grahn, Hugo Merchant, Dennis Phillips, Helen Barbas, and Steven Brown.


Also, a useful overview appears in the chapter ‘Anatomic organization of the auditory cortex’ by Troy Hackett in the forthcoming book The Human Auditory System edited by Celesia & Hickok (http://store.elsevier.com/The-Human-Auditory-System/isbn-9780444626301/). 




Ani Patel

Dept. of Psychology
Tufts University



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Hackett, T. A., De La Mothe, L. A., Ulbert, I., Karmos, G., Smiley, J., and Schroeder, C. E.  2007. Multisensory convergence in auditory cortex, II. Thalamocortical connections of the caudal superior temporal plane. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 502(6): 924-52.


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Luppino G, Matelli M, Camarda R, Rizzolatti G. 1993. Corticocortical connections of area F3 (SMA-proper) and area F6 (pre-SMA) in the macaque monkey. J Comp Neurol 338:114–140.


McDonald, A. J., and Jackson, T. R. 1987. Amygdaloid connections with posterior insular and temporal cortical areas in the rat. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 262(1): 59-77.


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Pandya, D. N., Rosene, D. L., and Doolittle, A. M. 2004. Corticothalamic connections of auditory-related areas of the temporal lobe in the rhesus monkey. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 345(3): 447-71.


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Yeterian EH, Pandya DN. 1998. Corticostriatal connections of the superior temporal region in rhesus monkeys. J Comp Neurol. 399(3):384-402.


Yeterian, E. H., and Pandya, D. N. 1998. Corticostriatal connections of the superior temporal region in rhesus monkeys. The Journal of Comparative Neurology 339(3): 384-402.