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Re: Phonetic balance

Michał ,

As far as I know, 
TIMIT data is a phoneme balanced speech data (at least this is one of its goal) and can be acquired  via LDC with following info:

But to make your own data balanced, may be you can decode phoneme first, then artificially remove some some phone classes to ensure a balanced speech dataset.
One toolkit for for phoneme decoding is: 

Good luck.


On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 7:52 AM, Michał Sołoducha <m.soloducha@xxxxx> wrote:

Dear colleagues,


I search for some software which would help me to make my speech material phonematically balanced. Is anybody aware of any solutions or libraries (e.g. Matlab) which could be used for that?


Best regards,
Michał Sołoducha



Michał Sołoducha, Ph.D. Student

Assessment of IP-based Applications

Telekom Innovation Laboratories (T-Labs)

Technische Universität Berlin

Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7

10587 Berlin, Germany


Phone: +49-30-835358384

Fax: +49-30-835358409

Email: michal.soloducha@xxxxxxxxxx



Gang LIU 
PhD Candidate
Center for Robust Speech Systems (CRSS)
University of Texas at Dallas(UTD)