apologies for cross posting] Call for
Abstracts Music Cognition: Where Computational and
Cognitive Models Meet Location &
Organisation University of Amsterdam The Netherlands 25–26 March 2015 http://smartcs.humanities.uva.nl/ Organisers: John Ashley Burgoyne and M.
Paula Roncaglia-Denissen Advising committee: Henkjan Honing, Aline
Honingh and Makiko Sadakata Important
Dates ·
4 January 2015: Deadline
to submit abstracts ·
15 January 2015:
Notification of acceptance Background Music is a complex human phenomenon,
motivating researchers to develop a
wide variety of models to understand it. Scholars have been
developing and revising
musical models for more than two thousand years, ranging from
the intervallic
theories of Pythagoras to the models for large-scale music data
mining used at
music intelligence companies such as Spotify and Deezer.
Different types of models
have been developed to suit different academic purposes,
including a number of
cognitive models (Deutsch & Feroe, 1981; Koelsch, 2011;
Lerdahl &
Jackendoff, 1983; Narmour, 1992; Peretz & Coltheart, 2003)
and a number of
computational models of music cognition (Wiggins, Pearce, &
2009; Temperley, 2007; Honing, 2006), and at times, partisans of
one model have
criticized alternative models for the ways in which they are
inevitably wrong
or inadequate. The study of music cognition has been a
notable flashpoint in these debates,
specifically whether ‘cognitive’ or ‘computational’ models are
most appropriate
and where to draw the boundary between them (Volk & Honingh,
JMM special
issue 2012). Such polemics may well have resulted in missed
among researchers with the common goal of understanding the
underlying music cognition. This workshop aims to uncover new
areas where cognitive
models and computational models of music cognition could profit
from one
another, promoting a better understanding of music as a human
phenomenon and
improving the communication between music cognitive and
scientists. This workshop will feature keynote
presentations, tutorials on computational
and cognitive modelling (by the keynote speakers), and oral
presentations. We
welcome submissions for oral presentations (see submission
guidelines). Keynote
Speakers ·
Marcus Pearce (Queen Mary,
University of London) ·
Koelsch (Freie Universität Berlin) Submission
Guidelines We invite abstract submissions on topics
relating to computational
and/or cognitive models of 200 to 400 words (not including
references) in PDF
or plain text. Please send your abstract to j.a.burgoyne@xxxxxx
by 4 January 2015, 23:59
(GMT) with “SMART
workshop submission” in the subject header. This workshop on Music Cognition is embedded
in the SMART Cognitive
Science International workshop. For more information, see
http://smartcs.humanities.uva.nl/ -- Aline Honingh Institute for Logic, Language and Computation University of Amsterdam Visiting Address: Science Park 107, 1098 XG Amsterdam, NL Postal Address: P.O. Box 94242, 1090 GE Amsterdam, NL phone: +31 20 5258281 https://staff.fnwi.uva.nl/a.k.honingh/ |