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2nd MMIRG - June 14 at Northwestern University

Hello All,

I'm writing to announce and invite you to the 2nd Midwest Music Information Retrieval Gathering (MMIRG) on Saturday June 14, 2014.
The Midwest Music Information Retrieval Gathering is a one-day get together of music information and music audio processing researchers, held at Northwestern University just outside of Chicago in Evanston, IL. This will be a chance for research groups from the Midwest to meet and present research in a more relaxed and more affordable setting than is typical at IEEE and ACM-style conferences. Registration is free. Opportunities to present research as posters/talks/demos are available to registered participants. Parking and lunch will be provided free of charge for all presenters and attendees up a maximum of 50 registered attendees. Limited travel assistance funding will be available for long distance presenters in financial need. 

We held the first MMIRG in 2011. It was a great way to meet other researchers in the region and share ideas (and also a great excuse for many to come to Chicago for the weekend...). We are looking forward to seeing old and new faces here in Evanston on June 14.
To register and for more information go to:


Mark Cartwright

Mark Cartwright <mcartwright@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
PhD Candidate in Computer Science
Interactive Audio Lab, Northwestern University