Dear all, This is a reminder regarding the first FFR workshop, a two day workshop on the Frequency Following Response to be held on 22 - 23 May 2014 at UCL, London (UK). Participants are invited to present their research in poster sessions.
Abstracts must be received no later than 28th February 2014. The idea of the workshop is to bring the FFR community together and to open up the discussion on the origins and interpretation of the response, explore new recording and analysis techniques, and discuss hot topics in the field. The
workshop will consist of several oral presentations, round table discussions, and poster sessions. The workshop is roughly organised into the following topics: · Origins and interpretation of the FFR · New techniques · Hot topics Invited speakers Hedwig Gockel (University of Cambridge, UK) Philip Joris (University of Leuven, Belgium) Steve Aiken (Dalhousie University, Canada) Paul Deltenre (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) Ravi Krishnan (Purdue University, USA) Garreth Prendergast (University of Manchester, UK) There will be an opportunity for a few to present work orally. If you would like to take this opportunity please state this when you submit the abstract. Abstract length must not exceed 400 words. If you want to present
your research at the FFR workshop, please send your abstract to Axelle Calcus (a.calcus@xxxxxxxxx) with “Abstract FFR Workshop” in the subject field. Notification of abstract acceptance/rejection will
be made no later than 1 April 2014. Registration begins 15 March 2014 and ends 1 May 2014. Additional details on the workshop are available at Kind regards, Axelle Calcus (ULB, UCL), Tim Schoof (UCL), and Stuart Rosen (UCL) UCL Speech Hearing and Phonetic Sciences Chandler House 2 Wakefield Street London WC1N 1PF United Kingdom Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), CRCN 50, av. F. Roosevelt (CP 191) 1050 Bruxelles Belgium |