Hi Linda,
Bruno definitively suggested you the relevant literature.
You might be interested also in my project "Audio-haptic walking simulations
for virtual reality, entertainment and rehabilitation applications", which is
basically a follow up of the NIW project mentioned before.
I am using synthesis techniques based on physical and physically-inspired models to
simulate footstep sounds produced by different grounds, shoe types, walkers with different
anthropomorphic features, and different types of foot-floor interactions.
Have a look to
http://www.ahws-project.net/Thanks a lot Victor for sharing that interesting link.
Does any of you know if there is any study on the bone conduction occurring during walking?
The topic is very interesting to me. For example perceptual effects might arise when
providing through headphones the interactive simulation of a foostep on a ground different
from that the walker is trampling on. Indeed, maybe beside to a semantic or temporal
conflict between the auditory and the haptic sensory information during the integration of
the two stimuli, there might be also a conflict between the auditory information arriving
through the air and the bones.
Any useful information about this topic would be very appreciated.
If someone of you is interested in starting a collaboration to investigate such a topic
using the technology I am developing please contact me.
www.lucaturchet.it"Music is a moral law:
It gives a soul to the Universe,
wings to the mind,
flight to the imagination,
a charm to sadness,
and life to everything.
It is the essence of order,
and leads to all that is good,
just and beautiful,
of which it is the invisible,
but nevertheless dazzling,
passionate, and eternal form".
Plato, 400 B.C. (from the Dialogues)