Thanks all for the responses. I will forward some of them to a number of other lists I am on. Thanks for the link to the symposium. Personally, I have serious reservations about the 'ear plugs' approach in most public situations. The first part is easy: I have witnessed many people who do not put them in correctly. The plug is simply pushed into the ear and not checked for fit or seal. The individual feels 'safe'. The other issue, pointed out by many respondents, is that ear protection does not address the issue. Parents around here tend to insist that their youngsters wear helmets when they cycle or skateboard, but are unaware that the headphone levels are damaging. Wearing ear-protection at public events, IMV, says that it's ok to have these levels of sound, and if the professionals are there "doing it", then how dangerous can it be [anyway]. ... so, yes, I don't go to those events. Kevin On 2013, Oct 13, at 7:43 PM, Jon Boley <jdboley@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: