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Re: [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software

That was mtg (music tech group) at UPF Barcelona. They had a c++ class called CLAM (or something sounds like it) doing it.

-----Original Message----- From: Matt Flax
Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 1:17 AM
To: AUDITORY@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [AUDITORY] review of harmonic+noise segmentation software

Thanks for the lead on the software, and yes I meant 'decomposition'.

Does anyone remember a group from Spain who used to be active on this
list and worked on decomposition ?


On 01/10/13 20:44, Esteban Maestre wrote:
Hi Matt,

I'm not sure whether I understand what you refer to as 'segmentation'.
If you mean 'decomposition', you might want to check out some recent tools developed around the work of Serra and Smith:



On 9/30/2013 1:48 PM, Matt Flax wrote:
Hi there,

Back about 10 or 15 years I remember that some people on this list were researching the segmentation of sound into tonal components and noise components.

I was wondering whether anyone on the list has used any free software libraries which come from this research to do this and if so whether you could let the list know ?

I am intersted in software which can do more then monophonic segmentation ... if possible.
