[Please distribute widely] Milestones in Music Cognition: A Quarter-Century Celebration
of Books by Bregman, Krumhansl and Narmour (BKN25) Albert Bregman's
Auditory Scene Analysis: The Perceptual
Organization of Sound, MIT Press. Carol Lynne
Krumhansl's The Cognitive Foundations of
Musical Pitch, Oxford University Press, and Eugene
Narmour's The Analysis and Cognition of
Basic Melodic Structures: The Implication-Realization Model. The University
of Chicago Press. In anticipation of the 25th anniversary of these
influential tomes, a two-day symposium will be held at the Schulich School of
Music of McGill University in Montreal July 7-8, 2014. The symposium will be
composed of opening and closing keynote addresses, three sessions with invited
speakers reflecting upon the impact of the honorees' work on the fields of
music psychology, music theory, cognitive neuroscience and engineering, and a
contributed poster session. Musical interludes will be provided by the students
and faculty of the Schulich School of Music. The invited talks include: Opening keynote: Caroline Palmer, McGill University Session in honor of Albert Bregman (chaired by Stephen
McAdams, McGill University) Claude
Alain, Rotman Research Institute and University of Toronto Dan Ellis,
Columbia University David
Huron, Ohio State University Albert
Bregman, McGill University (discussant) Session in honor of Carol Lynne Krumhansl (chaired by David
Temperley, Eastman School of Music) Elaine
Chew, Queen Mary University of London Fred Lerdahl, Columbia University William
Forde Thompson, Macquarie University Carol Lynne
Krumhansl, Cornell University (discussant) Session in honor of Eugene Narmour (chaired by Alexander
Rozin, West Chester University) Justin
London, Carleton College Frank
Russo, Ryerson University Zohar Eitan,
Tel Aviv University Eugene
Narmour, University of Pennsylvania (discussant) Closing keynote: Robert Gjerdingen, Northwestern University Poster session (open to submissions) Participants who wish to present their own work in the poster session may submit abstracts to the email address (bkn25@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx) by March 1, 2014. The posters should present current research that relates in a direct way to the work of one or more of the honorees. Abstracts should be no more than 200 words. A selection committee will examine the submissions and authors will be informed of the outcome by April 1, 2014. A special issue of Music Perception to honor these three books will be organized by guest editors David Temperley, Alexander Rozin and Stephen McAdams, targeting the June 2015 issue. Manuscripts for this special issue should be submitted directly to the journal by October 1, 2014 (indicate in the cover letter that the submission is intended for the special issue). Speakers and poster presenters at the McGill symposium are encouraged to submit. All manuscripts will be reviewed through the normal procedure. The final versions of all submissions must be accepted by February 28, 2015 to be considered for inclusion in the special issue. Due to the limited page space for a single issue, papers that are deemed acceptable for publication in Music Perception but for which space is not available will appear in subsequent issues of the journal. We hope the music cognition community will join us in celebrating our colleagues both at the symposium and through their submissions to the special issue. Further information concerning registration and lodging possibilities for the symposium will be available in the near future on the symposium website: http://www.music.mcgill.ca/bkn25. But mark this momentous event in your calendar now! The organizing committee Lola Cuddy Stephen McAdams Alexander Rozin David Temperley |