You are right, Dick! A series of recent papers on "transposed AM sounds" by Les Bernstein and Tino Trahiotis show very clearly that periodically interrupted high-frequency carriers are localizable based on ITD. -Pierre On 6/27/13 12:37 PM, "Richard F. Lyon" <dicklyon@xxxxxxx> wrote: Ewan, thanks for your paper reference; very relevant. You wrote there, "ITD dominance is shown indirectly in findings that head movements are
highly effective for localizing low-frequency targets but not
narrow-band high-frequency targets."I often see people disregarding ITD as a powerful cue above 1 kHz or so; but the basis for that is only that it's not a usable cue for sine waves and other narrow-band signals. Wideband clicks and noises are easy to localize, even if simulated with only ITD. On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 1:52 PM, Ewan A. Macpherson <ewan.macpherson@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: Richard F. Lyon wrote, On 6/25/2013 1:43 PM: |