I am looking for Matlab scripts that make it easy to do calculations
for (just about) any kind of measure of speech intelligibility
because at the moment I am primarily interested in the effects of
the masker spectrum. I am aware of the scripts at http://www.sii.to/
but there is nothing easy about using them in the sense that you
need to enter the levels of the speech and noise in various bands
and I don't see why all these calculations cannot be implemented in
one easy-to-use package. Ideally, one would simply call the script with some combination of: 1) the target speech in quiet, the masker on its own, and an SNR or 2) the target speech on its own, and the target + masker in whatever SNR was desired. Any help gratefully received! Yours - Stuart --
Stuart Rosen, PhD Professor of Speech and Hearing Science UCL Speech, Hearing and Phonetic Sciences 2 Wakefield Street London WC1N 1PF, England Telephone numbers:
Home page: http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/home/stuart |