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[AUDITORY] Gentle Reminder: CfP for CMMR 2013 (15 - 18 October - Marseille) - "Sound, Music and Motion" - New Special sessions

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Call for contributions

10th International Symposium on Computer Music Modelling and Retrieval/
Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research 2013
'Sound, Music & Motion'
October 15th to 18th 2013,
CNRS - Laboratoire de Mecanique et d'Acoustique, Marseille, France

Conference website: http://www.cmmr2013.cnrs-mrs.fr


Paper submission deadline June 15th 2013
Demo submission deadline June 15th 2013
Music submission deadline July 1st 2013


Please note that the following special sessions are now open and detailed on the conference website (http://www.cmmr2013.cnrs-mrs.fr/SSessions.html):

o Cognitive inspiration organized, by Kristoffer Jensen (Aalborg University, Esbjerg) o When auditory cues shape human sensorimotor performance, organized by Christophe Bourdin and Lionel Bringoux (ISM, Aix-Marseille Université) o The art of sonification, organized by Peter Sinclair (Ecole supérieure d’art d’Aix-en-Provence)
o Interactive sound synthesis, organized by Diemo Schwartz (IRCAM-IMTR)
o Semio-acoustics (soundscapes, field recording, daily sounds, sound atmosphere), organized by Rémi Adjiman (Sciences, Arts et Techniques de l’Image et du Son (SATIS), Aubagne) o Image-Sound interaction, organized by Rémi Adjiman (Sciences, Arts et Techniques de l’Image et du Son (SATIS), Aubagne) o Non-stationarity, dynamics and mathematical modeling, organized by Harold Omer and Bruno Torrésani (LATP, UMR 7353, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Centrale Marseille) and Guillaume Stempfel (Genesis)


We are happy to announce that the 4 internationally renowned personalities Jean-Claude Risset, Marcelo M. Wanderley, Norbert Corsino and Daniel Deshays have accepted to be keynote speakers of the CMMR2013.

The CMMR 2013, 'Sound, Music & Motion' will take place in Marseille, CNRS-LMA, October 15th-18th 2013. This year CMMR celebrates its 10th anniversary. For this special occasion the symposium will be held in Marseille, the European Capital of Culture 2013 (http://www.mp2013.fr/?lang=en).

CMMR2013 is organized by the CNRS - Laboratoire de Mecanique et d'Acoustique (LMA) and Ubris Studio in partnership with the Institut des Sciences du Mouvement (ISM), Laboratoire d'Analyse, Topologie, Probabilite (LATP), ASTRAM, the research lab associated to the Sciences, Arts et Techniques de l'Image et du Son (SATIS) department, and n+n corsino.

As usual, contributions in all the topics covered by CMMR are welcome but contributions related to the conference theme 'Sound, Music and Motion' will be strongly encouraged this year. The notion of motion is important in any field related to sound and music, since it can be studied from different standpoints spanning from physics to perceptual and cognitive considerations, and from scientific to artistic approaches.

All the CMMR gatherings have resulted in post symposium proceedings built up from selected peer-reviewed papers and published by Springer Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences Series (LNCS 2771, LNCS 3310, LNCS 3902, LNCS 4969, LNCS 5493, LNCS 5954, LNCS 6684, LNCS 7172), and this is also planned for CMMR 2013.

Several types of contributions can be submitted to CMMR 2013:

- scientific papers (for oral or poster sessions)
- demonstrations and installations
- music


Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:

- Sound, Music and motions (e.g. analysis, retrieval, synthesis, composition, performance, music for images)
- Gestural control of sound synthesis
- Musical gesture analysis
- Augmented musical instruments
- Musical interfaces
- Musically inspired HCI
- Mapping & Sonification
- Computational musicology
- Auditory perception and cognition
- Virtual reality, augmented reality and human-computer interaction related to music
- Digital music libraries
- User studies (e.g. ethnography, usability of music software)
- New methods for music representation and visualization
- Retrieval and music recommendation tools
- Intelligent music tutoring systems
- Music games and interactive learning
- Music production and composition tools
- Structuring of audio data
- Cooperative music networks
- Analysis, recognition, comparison, classification, and modeling of sound and music
- Music and sound data mining
- Sound synthesis
- Optical music recognition
- Semantic web music technologies
- Sound source separation
- Music structure analysis
- Music transcription
- Artificial intelligence and cognitive science for sound and music


Procedures to submit papers is detailed in the Author instruction & Submission section on the CMMR 2013 website. Submitted papers must be camera-ready conforming to the format specified on the CMMR 2013 website.

Important dates:

Paper submission deadline June 15th 2013
Demo submission deadline June 15th 2013
Notification of acceptance July 15th 2013
Camera-ready copy deadline September 1st 2013
Music submission deadline July 1st 2013

For general inquiries, please contact the conference general chairs using the following email address:


For inquiries regarding paper submissions, please contact the paper and program chairs using the following email address:


For inquiries regarding music submissions, please contact the music chair using the following email address:


Please forward this call to interested parties.
We are looking forward to your contributions !

Symposium chair
Richard Kronland-Martinet, CNRS-LMA

Paper, program and proceedings chairs
Mitsuko Aramaki, Solvi Ystad, Olivier Derrien, CNRS-LMA

Demonstration and Installation Chairs,
Charles Gondre & Gaetan Parseihian, CNRS-LMA

Music Chair
Jacques Diennet, UBRIS Studio, Marseille

Communication and Sponsoring Chairs
Etienne Thoret & Simon Conan, CNRS-LMA

Charles Verron
postdoctoral researcher at CNRS-LMA