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Production Music Mood Annotation Survey 2013
Dear all,
We are conducting an experiment to determine the moods or emotions expressed by music. The tracks used in the experiment come from various production music catalogues and are typically used in film, television, radio and other media.
This work is done in collaboration with the BBC and I Like Music as part of the TSB project "Making Musical Mood Metadata" (TS/J002283/1).
The experiment consists of rating music track excerpts along six scales characterising the emotions they express or suggest. These scales are Arousal (or Activity), Valence (or Pleasantness), Tension, Dominance (or Power), Love (or Romance), and Fun (or Humor).
The link to the survey can be found below:
The experiment will run until Saturday 23rd February 2013.
Please note that your will have to rate the emotions *expressed or suggested* by the music (perceived emotions) and not the emotions elicited or induced by the music (felt emotions).
The annotations can be done at your own pace, on any computer with a web access, using headphones or good quality speakers. Please rate at least 50 excerpts, if possible. If you have the time, thanks for completing the experiment with all 205 excerpts. (The experiment requires approximatively one hour for ~60-100 excerpts.)
In order to participate, you will first have to register and fill in a brief form. Your participation doesn't tie you to anything else. It is fine if you register but choose not to participate. You can do the experiment in several steps by logging in at different times. Don't hesitate to take breaks after a certain amount of ratings.
If you have questions, comments or other enquiries, please contact Pasi Saari (email: pasi.saari@xxxxxx).
Please forward this call to interested parties.
Many thanks for your participation,
Pasi Saari, Mathieu Barthet, George Fazekas.
Mathieu Barthet
Postdoctoral Research Assistant
Centre for Digital Music (Room 109)
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road, London E1 4NS
Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 7986 - Fax: +44 (0)20 7882 7997
E-mail: mathieu.barthet@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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