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RuSSIR 2013: call for courses

7th Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval (RuSSIR 2013)
              Monday September 16 - Friday September 20, 2013
                          Kazan, Russia

                   2ND CALL FOR COURSE PROPOSALS

The 7th Russian Summer School in Information Retrieval (RuSSIR 2013)
will be held on September 16-20, 2013 in Kazan, Russia. The school is
co-organized by the Kazan Federal University (http://www.kpfu.ru/)
and the Russian Information Retrieval Evaluation Seminar (ROMIP,
http://romip.ru/). The school will have a focus on **audio search**.

Gareth Jones (Dublin City University) is a confirmed invited lecturer 
of RuSSIR 2013.

The mission of the RuSSIR school series is to enable students to learn
about modern problems and methods in information retrieval and related
disciplines, to stimulate scientific research and collaboration in
the field; and to create environment for informal contacts between
scientists, students and industry professionals.

RuSSIR 2013 will offer up to seven courses and host approximately 120
participants. The target audience of the school is advanced graduate
and PhD students, post-doctoral researchers, academic and industrial
researchers, and developers. The working language of the school is

RuSSIR 2013 is planned to feature a track of courses focusing on
voice search, search over audio archives and transcripts, as well as
various problems of music information retrieval. Nevertheless
proposals on all IR-related topics are welcome.

Each course should consist of five 90-minute-long sessions (normally
in five consecutive days). The course may include both lectures and
practical exercises.

Summer school organizers will cover travel expenses and accommodation
for one lecturer per course; no additional honorarium will be paid to
lecturer(s). The school organizers would highly appreciate if,
whenever possible, lecturers could find alternative funding to cover
the travel and accommodation expenses, and indicate this possibility
in their proposals.

Course proposals must be submitted in PDF format to the submission
web site http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=russir2013, by
February 10, 2013. A course proposal should contain the following:
 - Title and keywords
 - Description of teaching and research experience, and contact 
 information of the lecturer(s)
 - Relevance of the course to the school's scope and objectives
 - Brief description of the course (up to 300 words suitable for 
 inclusion in school materials)
 - Full description (1-2 pages - to be used for evaluation)
 - Target audience and expected prerequisite knowledge of the 
 - Relevant references to support proposal evaluation
 - Preferred schedule and necessary equipment

All proposals will be evaluated by the program committee according
to the school's goals, the clarity of presentation, and the
lecturers' qualifications and experience. All applicants will be
notified of the committee's decision by March 10, 2013. Early
informal inquiries about the school or the proposal evaluation
process are encouraged.

About RuSSIR: the school series started in 2007 and has developed
into a renowned academic event with solid international
participation. Previous schools took place in Yekaterinburg,
Taganrog, Petrozavodsk, Voronezh, Saint Petersburg, and Yaroslavl.
Previous RuSSIR courses were taught by Eugene Agichtein, Sihem
Amer-Yahia, Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Ben Carterette, Fabio Crestani,
Katja Filippova, Djoerd Hiemstra, Evangelos Kanoulas, Mounia Lalmas,
Marie-Francine Moens, Jian-Yun Nie, Guillaume Obozinski, Salvatore
Orlando, Raffaele Perego, Andreas Rauber, Stefan Ruger, Horacio
Saggion, Chirag Shah, James Shanahan, Fabrizio Silvestri, David 
Talbot, Mike Thelwall, Ingmar Weber, Gerhard Weikum, Emine Yilmaz, 
and others.

About the venue: Kazan is a beautiful city, where the geographical
and cultural aspects of both Europe and Asia come together. Kazan,
about 800 km east of Moscow, lies on the confluence of the Volga
and the Kazanka rivers. The population of Kazan is about 1.1
million people. In 2005, the city celebrated its millennium. The
Kazan Kremlin is the central historic citadel of the city and a
UNESCO World Heritage Site. Its most significant buildings are the
Annunciation Cathedral and the Qolsharif Mosque. Kazan will host
the Summer Universiade in July 2013 (http://kazan2013.com/).

Founded in 1804, the Kazan University is the third oldest
university in Russia. An internationally acknowledged centre of
academic excellence, it is regularly listed among Russia's top 10
institutions of higher education. The University is a leading
national research centre with numerous laboratories, museums, a
botanical garden, research field stations, three astronomic
observatories and many other facilities. The university has over
40,000 full-time students, who follow 180 major degree programs.

The university prides itself on the following breakthrough inventions
and discoveries: the creation of the non-Euclidean geometry (Nikolai
Lobachevsky), the discovery of the chemical element Ruthenium (Karl
Ernst Claus), the theory of organic compounds structure (Aleksandr
Butlerov), the discovery of the electron paramagnetic resonance
(Yevgeny Zavoisky) and the acoustic paramagnetic resonance (Semen
Altshuler), and many others. 

Important dates:
 - 10 February 2013: course proposals deadline (will be extended) 
 - 10 March 2013: notification of acceptance

Program Committee co-chairs:
 - Pavel Braslavski (Kontur Labs/Ural Federal University, Russia)
 - Stefan Rueger (The Open University, UK)