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Fwd: IEEE AASP Challenge on Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events - deadline 31st March

Dear all,

We invite researchers in signal processing, machine learning and other
fields to participate in our challenge - the IEEE AASP Challenge on
Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events. Now available:

 * Public datasets (CC-licensed, audio and annotations)
        for scene classification and event detection

 * Task specifications for our first two tasks,
        scene classification and event detection (office live)

 * A Linux virtual machine, which you may use to test your code

 * Templates for challenge extended abstracts

The deadline for submissions is 31st March. Results will be
presented/discussed in a special session at WASPAA 2013. Full details:

Please feel free to ask us questions directly or via the challenge
mailing list <http://www.eecs.qmul.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/aasp-challenge>.

Best wishes,
The organisers -- Dimitrios Giannoulis (QMUL), Emmanouil Benetos
(CityU/QMUL), Dan Stowell (QMUL), Mathias Rossignol (IRCAM), Mathieu
Lagrange (IRCAM) and Mark D. Plumbley (QMUL)