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3 PhD positions focussing on Human-Machine-Inteaction / Brain Computer Interface in Oldenburg, Germany

Dear list,

we are looking for 3 PhD students to strongly work
together with us on a 3-year PhD project on the topics

  Online Sound Control of Hearing Instruments
  based on Multimodal User Feedback

  Speech-feature and ASR- triggered
  Brain Computer Interface

  Using Brain Computer Interfaces for Active
  Control of Assistive Technologies

The work will be carried out in strong cooperation with
our Fraunhofer research group on Hearing, Speech and
Audio Technology, for details see


The call is open until February, 15th.

Please feel free to pass this information to anyone interested.

Thanks and best regards,

Dr. rer. nat. Jens-E. Appell
Head of Department
Hearing, Speech and Audio Technology

Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology
Haus des Hörens
Marie-Curie-Strasse 2
26129 Oldenburg

Phone  +49 441 2172 401
Fax    +49 441 2172 450
Mobile +49 170 7978179
