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Job offers: 13 Postdoc positions in Oldenburg, Germany
Dear list,
The cluster of excellence Hearing4all: Models, Technology and Solutions
for Diagnostics, Restoration and Support of Hearing at the Carl von
Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg (in collaboration with Medizinische
Hochschule Hannover and Leibniz Universität Hannover) is seeking to fill
as soon as possible the following
Postdoctoral Research Associate Positions
A) "Transgenic Animal Production/Mouse Genetics" (TV-L E13, full time)
(genetic mouse models to study the molecular basis of auditory dysfunction)
B) "Auditory Physiology" (TV-L E13, full time)
(neuronal responses on different levels of the auditory pathway in rodents)
C) "Animal Psychophysics" (TV-L E13, full time)
(auditory perception of rodents with normal hearing and
pathophysiological changes, behavioral tests with mutant and transgenic
mouse lines)
D) "Computational Auditory Neuroscience" (TV-L E13, full time)
(physiologically realistic models of auditory information processing,
neural coding on different levels of the auditory system, integration of
E) "Auditory Psychophysiology" (TV-L E13, full time)
(hearing disorder related maladaptive plasticity in the human auditory
cortex, auditory cortex adaption to hearing device use, auditory
F) "Auditory Neuroscience & BCI" (TV-L E13, full time)
(auditory EEG-based brain computer interface (BCI), auditory neurofeedback)
G) "Auditory Neuroimaging" (TV-L E13, full time)
(fMRI, MRI, DTI and advanced analysis methods of central auditory
processing for the functional characterization of the individual,
improvement of diagnostics)
H) "Auditory Cognition" (TV-L E13, full time)
(improvement of audiological diagnostic tools for predicting patient
performance, quantitative models and statistical decision tools for
diagnosis and rehabilitation)
I) "Psycholinguistics" (TV-L E13, full time)
(role of sentence complexity and grammar in understanding speech in
different populations and under different conditions (i.e. silence, noise))
J) "Auditory Modeling & Signal Processing for Hearing Instruments" (TV-L
E 14, full time) (development and implementation of model-based
algorithms for audio processing in hearing instruments, contribution to
evaluation with hearing-impaired subjects)
K) "Acoustical Signal Processing" (TV-L E14, full time)
(development and implementation of advanced algorithms for speech
enhancement and sound presentation in hearing instruments and assistive
listening devices.)
L) "Computational Auditory Scene Analysis (CASA)" (TV-L E13, full time)
(development of CASA methods for hearing aids and assistive technology,
development of algorithms for improving speech intelligibility in
complex acoustic scenes)
M) "Hearing Aid Algorithm Evaluation & Individualization" (TV-L E14,
full time)
(tests of prototype hearing devices with patients, fitting methods for
experimental hearing devices based on personalized diagnostic data)
The positions are available from 1 November 2012, for initially 2 years,
with prospect for continuation for up to 3 more years. The positions are
suitable for part-time work.
The successful candidates are expected to actively contribute to the
cluster of excellence "Hearing4all" and to the further structured
research programmes within the Centre of Excellence for Hearing
Research, i.e. the collaborative research centre "The Active Auditory
System" (SFB/TRR31), the research unit "Individualized Hearing
Acoustics", the national centre of competence for hearing technology
(HörTech) and the PhD programs "Function and Pathophysiology of the
Auditory System" and "Signals and Cognition".
A successful candidate is expected to have an academic university
degree, be able to perform excellent scientific work usually
demonstrated by international publications and should be experienced in
at least one of the respective research areas listed above. She/He
should be qualified for assuming an important research function within
the task groups (TG) of the cluster of excellence (c.f.
www.hearing4all.de for further details about the positions). Please
indicate in your application for which position(s) you apply.
The University of Oldenburg strives to increase the proportion of women
in science, so we especially encourage female candidates to apply.
Handicapped applicants will be given preference if equally qualified.
Please send your application at the latest by October 31st, 2012 to
Prof. Dr. Dr. Birger Kollmeier, Carl von Ossietzky Universität
Oldenburg, Fakultät V, Exzellenzcluster "Hearing4all", 26111 Oldenburg
(or per e-mail: Karin.Klink@)uni-oldenburg.de). Application by e-mail is
preferred. The application should include a CV, a list of publications
and copies of certificates of academic grades.
Dr. Karin Klink
Medizinische Physik
Fakultät V - Institut für Physik
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
26111 Oldenburg, Germany
Email: karin.klink@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tel. (+49) 441-2172-180 (vormittags, HdH 2.19)
Tel. (+49) 441-798-3252 (nachmittags, UNI W2-2-252)